Showing posts with label hospital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hospital. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2011

Speediatrics Finishes Strong

I had the unfortunately chance at spending four days and nights at the hospital. Well, let's not confuse the situation. My wife spent the entire time at the hospital while I drove to home each night for four days to feed the dog and exchange clothing for her and our daughter.

There, now that that is out of the way, why were we there? The exact cause to Liz's sickness has not been found. But for six days she would not eat more than a few crackers and sip just an ounce or two of liquid. Oh and she was having some extreme diarrhea. When I say extreme let's say my fraternity brothers and their antics couldn't hold a stick to my 15 month old girl.

We ended up being frequent visitors to our pediatrician. Way more than I wanted. And our GI doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong either. Everyone said she had some redness in her throat but everything else was fine. So the GI ordered some blood work and there started the trek.

We made two trips to our local Labcorp only to spend 3.5 hours waiting and trying to draw blood. No luck! So I took her to another location the next day and after another two hours of waiting and trying still nothing. So what did I do...I went to another Labcorp. Only to find we still couldn't draw anything except screams and cries from Liz.

So I made the trek back to the pediatrician. After the fifth visit he said he would admit her to the hospital for fluids and an attempt to draw blood. From that afternoon we had an IV flowing adn several more attempts at drawing but no luck still.

We finally had the pediatric intensive care surgeon draw from her femoral artery in her thigh. That worked! Poor girls has more needle marks and bruises than I can count. If anyone were to see her arms or legs they would immediately call the Child and Family services and have us taken away. But after four long, grueling days we got four IV's into her and were told to go home.