What is a leader to do when they are asked to focus on year round recruitment? We have heard the news, overall declining numbers of new youth joining Scouting. Why? In my opinion it's due to our ever changing loves. Sports, academics, friends, parental jobs, I am sure you can provide me with at least five more.
Well as the round table commissioner for Three Rivers District in Central Florida I'm dealing with the same challenge as everyone else. My own pack has had dwindling enrollment, we lose scouts throughout the year. But how do we keep going?
Year round activities, including Summer Time activities. Well I have two ideas, one is to provide an incentive to scouts for bringing friends to scouting. And a second is to promote inter pack activities.
The first is simple, tell your scouts, if you bring in at least one friend who joins you automatically earn the Recruitment patch, but you also get to enjoy a pizza or ice cream party with your fellow scouts. Bring in at least three friends and you get free admission to a special scouting event. In my district its the On Target for Scouting event, a full day of all shooting and action events. Bring five or more friends into scouting and earn a free camping weekend at our local scout ranch.
The district net members and other pack leaders like the idea, I just need to get it approved at the council.
The other activity is one of my wood badge tickets, setup a inter pack sports event. Just one time, have the boys get together and earn a loop, have fun, get to know each other and enjoy friendship. In my case I've expanded it to include all packs. But instead of managing it all push the leaders to talk with other leaders and setup their own events. Nothing like this is happening today.
If you are doing either of these at your local district or council let me know. I want to help not only my own pack but also my district expand its reach into the community and provide a great program to the youth.
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Showing posts with label BSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BSA. Show all posts
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Monday, October 28, 2013
A little Wood Badge
I wrote earlier this years out my latest experiences with Scouting. Well I took the plunge and signed up for Wood Badge. It is touted as the best training available if you want to be a superior Scouter. Well it is much more than that.
I have been blessed over my career to have taken several training and leadership courses. Several we're really thought provoking, educational and overall well led. Wood Badge is much more. Here in Central Florida the leadership is built strong from the top down. So much so that two courses are offered each year! And they always have a large group of attendees. In S4-83-13-2 it was no different. From the scoutmaster to the SPL Michael, and all of the ASM staff, quartermasters and group guides it was really well done.
If you work in a corporate environment or are a Scout leader looking for more then WB might be for you. 6 days of training, camping, team work, and self reflection. Oh and you still need to work, have a family and find time for anything else. But as a Scouter you learn to adapt.
Now it's all about putting the skills to work, evoking excitement with the team and attaining your goals. I don't want to say WB is not for everyone. Just the opposite, it is here when you are ready to take the next big step. And when you do decide to take the plunge please make sure you have fun. Yes it's important training but it is also about building friendship, teamwork and enjoying life.
I was a Bobwhite
I am going to work my ticket if I can...
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