Showing posts with label wood badge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wood badge. Show all posts

Monday, October 28, 2013

A little Wood Badge

I wrote earlier this years out my latest experiences with Scouting. Well I took the plunge and signed up for Wood Badge. It is touted as the best training available if you want to be a superior Scouter. Well it is much more than that. I have been blessed over my career to have taken several training and leadership courses. Several we're really thought provoking, educational and overall well led. Wood Badge is much more. Here in Central Florida the leadership is built strong from the top down. So much so that two courses are offered each year! And they always have a large group of attendees. In S4-83-13-2 it was no different. From the scoutmaster to the SPL Michael, and all of the ASM staff, quartermasters and group guides it was really well done. If you work in a corporate environment or are a Scout leader looking for more then WB might be for you. 6 days of training, camping, team work, and self reflection. Oh and you still need to work, have a family and find time for anything else. But as a Scouter you learn to adapt. Now it's all about putting the skills to work, evoking excitement with the team and attaining your goals. I don't want to say WB is not for everyone. Just the opposite, it is here when you are ready to take the next big step. And when you do decide to take the plunge please make sure you have fun. Yes it's important training but it is also about building friendship, teamwork and enjoying life. I was a Bobwhite S4-83-13-2 I am going to work my ticket if I can...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

New challenges, new adventures, Do Your Best!

My third year as a scout leader is now getting underway. Seems like just yesterday Matt was putting on his tiger uniform and I was stepping up to be his den leader. This past year was much more challenging, starting a new pack, becoming committee chair and then district round table chairman. And to top Italy off, Cub Scout leader of the year. What a whirlwind adventure. It's true scouting is a full time job. Always getting asked to help, or should I say voluntold. Then balancing unit needs, district needs, family and of course work. You can't take it for granted, scouting is so much more than that. I am there for the boys; mine, my friends and those that may not the support of their family. My next challenge has already begun, Wood Badge. It's the embodiment of Scouting. The ultimate leadership training that helps to make you a well rounded person. Over the next three weeks I'll be writing my 10 ticket ideas. Then I get to spend two weekends with my peers working toward five SMART goals. With their support I will work these five items for the next 18 months. All to become a better leader, supporter, father and person.